Monday, March 10, 2008

late nights with friends

How often do you stay up late with friends?

But not the kind of late where you're out "towning" it up.  Rather the kind of late where you're on the cusp of something wonderful and you know it. 

Last night I stayed up late with two extraordinary people my friends Winship (you won't forget that name easily) and Lacey who conveniently are Married.  Both are artists and at the beginning of long and wonderful careers.

Lacey is an up and coming fashion designer doing some creative alterations and 
whose new line of spring skirts will be sold at shine boutiques in Baltimore.  She has this stirring vision for women's apparel. Check out her stuff at
You'll kick yourself if you don't.

Winship is a multi talented musician, former member of Kentavious, and future record producer.  In an era when the information highway clogs your conscious with a lot of the unexceptional, Winship is the real deal...true talent...pure motives...bad ass music.
(this is just a great picture.)

So yesterday we expected to have a short meeting where Winship and I jammed and Lacey and I chatted about dresses yet we spent over 9 hours together talking candidly about art and the struggle involved in validating your life's work to the world.

How often do artists die before they are recognized as talented or even genius?  What's wrong with us?  Why can't we see it while people are here with us?  Artist after artist, musician after musician sacrifice any kind of comfort in life because THEY know their art is worth it.  

Just the other day a customer at a local coffee shop who I had started a conversation with told me that I was wasting my liberal arts degree.  My liberal arts Music performance...

Maybe it's really that I'm being wasted, that value has been skewed and our culture has made it necessary for people to work jobs they hate that distract them from what they were made to do.

Let's change.  Support Art!  And next time you stay up late with friends listen to some music, create, and open doors.

When do we wake up?

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